We’re Home!

From where you ask?  The hospital. 
Yep, that’s what I said, the hospital, UGH!  Audrey was in since Monday night for bowel distention and dehydration.  She woke up Monday vomitting green bile and after a trip to the doc and hospital for an x-ray she still ended up back Monday night (a HUGE thanks to Jen B for her help in the ER)  and got admitted until this afternoon when her x-ray finally showed improvement and she started eating again.  I’m still in a tizzy over how this happened in the midst of all that’s going on with Allison (is my daughter some crazed attention seeker already??!).  Speaking of, Allie is doing great, extubated and back in a regular room.  She’s having some swallowing issues (she aspirating some) but should still get to go home by Friday or earlier.  It’s been quite a journey for the Crowes and they have a road ahead of them until she’s totally as good as new, but Allison is doing great and I couldn’t be more grateful. 
I’ll write more later if I have time, it’s a bit crazy around here and Audrey is no where near 100% yet.  I just wanted to update to fill you in on AJ, Allison, and to remind everyone to keep Carole and her family in their thoughts. 
Later friends,
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7 Responses to We’re Home!

  1. Chris, Julie and Kylie says:

    Jenn, just know that I am thinking of your family and little Audrey.  I am sorry you all were back in the hospital.  I remember just how hard that second hospitalization was for us.  I just cried all the way to the ER.  Good thoughts to Audrey and Allison.
    Love- Julie

  2. Unknown says:

    I am so sorry to hear that Audrey was in the hospital.  That must have been so scary for all of you.  I am glad she is home and on the road to recovery.  I will definitely keep Audrey, Allie and baby Jospeh in my prayers as I head off to sleep….
    carepage name: GabriellaHope

  3. RogerKMiller_1949 says:

    It seems that the roller coaster continues, as you said it would.  Poor little babe.  She\’s in my prayers, as well as in the prayers of I know, constantly, as are all of you.  Nate says E is loving Kindergarten.  That\’s a good thing!Love,Papa Roger

  4. Lauren says:

    Jenn, I\’m so glad that Audrey is home now and feeling a bit better.  I know this has been such a long road for you and it isn\’t over yet.  Stay strong, all of you.  You\’re in my heart always. 
    Love Lauren 

  5. Marcelle says:

    Hi Jenn,
    So sorry to hear you guys had to head to back to the hospital 😦
    You have had a bit too much \’excitement\’ going on in your lives lately, haven\’t you?  I will be praying for tranquility in the Miller household, and prayers for Baby Audrey to be well on the way to recovery, and I\’m so happy to hear baby Allie is doing well.  The Olson family are undoubtedly in my thoughts and prayers also.
    If there is any way I can help, please let me know.
    Lots of love,

  6. John says:

    Jenn,  So sorry to hear Audrey was in the hosptial especially with everything else going on!  We pray for both her and Allie that they will continue to heal, grow, and get stronger everyday!  Our thoughts to you and Allie\’s family–stay healthy and try to get rome peace and rest. 

  7. Sharon says:

    Glad Audrey is home, and is feeling better !   Poor little thing.
    I have a theory with the hosipital visits: (1)  Either you have a thing for pretty nurses, or (2) it\’s that yummy hospital food!!  I am hoping for the latter  😉  
    I hope you are getting some rest today.   You are all in our prayers, as are the Crowe family.

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